Welcome to my blog! My name’s Donal. I’m passionate about AI, gaming, anime, comics and all things nerdy. During the day (and some nights) I work as a Research Engineer at InstaDeep. Here I get to work on some really amazing projects focusing on Reinforcement Learning and building awesome Machine Learning Libraries and frameworks.

In my spare time I am learning as much as I can about Machine Learning and Software Engineering. I push most of my RL side projects to my github and I like to write a few articles about what im working on and learning, when time permits. When I’m not working on ML, I am usually drawing, writing or crafting things with my partner for our weekly Dungeons and Dragons game.

The goal of this blog is to share the stuff that I think people might find useful or interesting. This mainly consists of the topics that I am currently learning and the mistakes (as well as the odd success) I have made along the way.

If you want to reach out feel free to contact me through my email or social media below.